Monday, October 29, 2007

Page 8 is up... Well kinda.

Hi all,

Sorry this page is up a day late, and only in it's "Pencils" form.

I had an absolute terrible time with the Painter program I use to
produce all the art work. I had nearly all the pencils finished
earlier in the week when the program crashed during a save and the
file got corrupted and I lost it all. So had to start over. I then
had major trouble in the creation of one of the "photos" on the
page. Every few minutes, or few pen strokes, the program would
freeze up and I would have to restart. It took me two days to do what
should have only taken me to do in two hours.

I plan on having the full inked version of the page uploaded later in
the week. Am hoping that I don't have any further problems with the

Hope you're enjoying the story. Respond to this blog anytime you
want to.


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